Love Your Wife (2019.12.28)
Melissa at the Diner (2019.12.24)
Home for Christmas (2019.12.06)
Marianne's Memorial (2019.11.27)
No Ruby Slippers (2019.11.22)
In Distress (2019.11.05)
The Maize (2019.11.02)
Arbitrary Blackness Gallops in (2019.11.01)
A Death in Georgia (2019.10.30)
Two Roads in Red Hook (2019.10.25)
Better Living through Socializing (2019.10.20)
Adam of Dreams (2019.10.14)
Left of West and Coming in a Hurry (2019.10.12)
Waning Attraction (2019.10.08)
Soulmates and What Comes After (2019.10.01)
Not the Sanest Part (2019.09.23)
At the Stoplight (2019.09.17)
Little Songbird (2019.09.10)
The Boy between the Sheets (2019.09.05)
Their Totality in Haiku (2019.09.02)
Are You Still Carrying Her? (2019.09.01)
The Border of Overwhelming (2019.08.26)
A Cabin in Lake George (2019.08.17)
Tie-Dyed Ghost (2019.08.04)
The Painter's Chasm (2019.07.27)
The Burial of Mr. Pinkerton (2019.07.14)
Of Friends, Fire, and Authorial Truth (2019.07.13)
The Old Man in the Jazzy (2019.07.04)
One Person, One Volt (2019.07.03)
Sex and Naps (2019.06.25)
Long Intervals of Horrible Sanity (2019.06.21)
Triage (2019.06.18)
Fire Mates (2019.06.17)
The Time Amber Found and Thomm Lost a Cat (2019.06.16)
Second Base with UFOs (2019.06.11)
Sympathy for the Devil (2019.06.10)
The Dark Chocolate Principle (2019.06.08)
Every Student (2019.06.03)
Near to Middle (2019.06.01)
Kissing, but More So (2019.05.30)
Not Mean. But Be. (2019.05.28)
Don't You Know That You're Toxic (2019.05.27)
In Need of a Cat (2019.05.25)
The Victim of Romance (2019.05.21)
Labeling as Liberation (2019.05.20)
The Chilling Adventures of Staying in Your Lane (2019.05.19)
Star Dust in Pine Bush (2019.05.18)
Hudson Valley Comicon (2019.05.12)
Melissa as Written (2019.05.11)
The Stars Are Not Wanted Now (2019.05.07)
Grave Walking (2019.05.04)
This Terrifying Known (2019.05.02)
All I Can Do (2019.05.01)
It's Only Forever, Not Long at All (2019.04.27)
Package Deal (2019.04.19)
Emotional Support Readers (2019.03.30)
Paradoxical Smiling (2019.03.22)
A Hundred Visions and Revisions (2019.03.15)
Your Bangarang Is on the Wrong Side (2019.02.25)
Kyubey, Who Was Not Rescued (2019.02.13)
Call No Man Happy (2019.01.15)
Eve's Labyrinth (2019.01.02)
Why is it weird that I love my wife?
Did I make a new friend?
My birthday depresses me, but Christmas exalts me. It is a conundrum.
Marianne is memorialized.
My aunt Marianne dies.
The stress of work and school is made overwhelming by the death of Amber's grandfather.
I wander a maze on a cold night with a Librarian, Boy Scout, Actress, Sarah T, and Chris.
I am the sole paying attendee of a poetry reading and cause college students to roll their eyes.
Amber's grandfather dies and I miss her.
Veronica and I do not talk about writing as much as we do our stories.
Since when does socializing energize me?
Because of a vivid dream, I have dinner with my college girlfriend's ex. It made as much sense at the time.
I am probably not actually prophesying the end of the world, but let's recycle and not be unrestrained capitalist to be on the safe side.
I was once cute, never handsome, and age won't improve this.
The world doesn't owe you soulmates on whom you can project.
My mental health does not obey sequential time.
Walking through town, my favorite mechanic says he has a new car, wife, and cancer.
One of my students dies.
It was quirky that I handed people personal ads. It is bizarre that kids use social media.
Preparing a new anthology, I reflect on its deuteragonists.
I am letting go of people who do not know they are held.
I have a snit, see the stars, and return to a dying hamster and a panicked Amber.
We stay in a secluded cabin in Lake George, but who wants to be secluded in a tourist town?
Neurochemicals, Melissa's birthday, and Jareth's Gotcha Day conspire to make me poor company.
Two milestone parties and the expectations of those who have to throw them in an imperfect world.
A rat dies and is buried with his companions.
I see two whole sets of friends in one evening and talk about the truth behind embroidery.
A eighty-six year old man terrorizes me by talking to me.
I am evidently in the Green Party and vote based on vehicles.
Kristina, Sarah T, and I discuss sex over walks and tea.
I am released from therapy. Does this mean I am cured? Who knows.
It's hard to choose the welfare of a violent rapist over that of those he will victimize.
A fire, a parade, a community or two, an old friend turned maybe-new.
Amber kidnaps and I lose a cat.
It's easier to be a paranormal expert when the paranormal has no interest in you.
I have a harder time being compassionate to the Nazi Youth on my street, even if they think they are pretending.
Maybe you only think you don't like something because you never tried the real version.
I keep teaching the same kids on a rotation.
We are not middle-aged.
I ascribed permanence to sex. This is a mistake, but this is how it started.
Premature poetry convinced me it was all faking.
I need to confront toxic masculinity regularly to save my boys.
Amber is depressed, but a street cat may not be the treatment.
I feel discomfort when a woman booty calls me because I have been some shade of this woman, once long ago.
Acknowledging one's mental illness can open a door to the past and future.
If you don't need to have a fictional witch be Pagan, maybe don't?
I am yet again a silent speaker at the Pine Bush UFO Fair.
I have a press pass at a geek con and actually work when I would rather mourn.
Melissa in a story ends slightly worse than Melissa in life.
We put Jareth to sleep.
We talk a few walks about and for Jareth, turning to nutritional yeast, sardines, a graveyard, and witchcraft.
We visit an oncologist for Jareth, who for a thousand dollars tells us he isn't dead yet.
Jareth worsens and I am left with little to do.
Jareth, our kitten, has lymphoma.
Who is Ken, really?
I need people to care about my writing, which maybe some do.
I smile when stressed in public. It is creepy, but not likely a sign of abuse.
I can't even trust my own perceptions. Maybe you really are being gang stalked.
I do a convention with Dante Basco, former Lost Boy and Lord of the Fire Nation.
When forced to drive to Long Island for a hamster, it is hard to contest that Amber likes animals more than I do.
I am likely boring. Not biopic material.
The New Year is lovely and promising, and I have depression.