Sin Eater (2018.12.18)
(30)8th (2018.12.15)
Why Are You So Weird? (2018.12.08)
Alice Isn't Joseph Fink (2018.11.29)
Be My Neighbor (2018.11.21)
Pico the Mortal (2018.11.14)
11/9 (2018.10.08)
Daniel the Ageless (2018.10.01)
Soaked Lions (2018.09.26)
The First Week in Two Acts (2018.09.18)
Boys Won't Be Held Accountable (2018.09.17)
Kristina, the River, and the Fire (2018.09.16)
Jareth, Move the Stars (2018.08.30)
Paths at the Dutchess County Fair (2018.08.24)
Plural Possessive (2018.08.20)
Lake George 2018 (2018.08.18)
Fools Rush In (2018.08.11)
Tumbleweed (2018.08.02)
Newness in Her Life (2018.07.29)
Pale Blue Dot: Benevolent Indifference (2018.07.20)
Sorting the Sharp Edges (2018.07.09)
Of a Quiet Visit (2018.06.24)
My Little Notebook: Writing is Magick (2018.06.03)
Vehicular Dealings (2018.06.02)
Code Switch (2018.06.01)
Unsatifyingly Fallible Observation (2018.05.25)
Sexual Mores and Less (2018.05.23)
Once Upon a Crime (2018.05.21)
Amber Graduates (2018.05.20)
These Commonplace Disasters (2018.05.18)
Unequivalent Exchange (2018.05.16)
My Third Murderer (2018.04.21)
Fight, Flight, or Friend (2018.04.19)
Dress for the Job You Already Have (2018.04.18)
Socrates Defeated (2018.04.13)
Stories about Sex I Didn't Have (2018.04.08)
To Fully Charge (2018.03.28)
I Was Not a School Shooter (2018.03.01)
Leap from a Tall Building (2018.02.28)
Support the Con You Want to See (2018.02.24)
On the Anniversary of Your Death (2018.02.10)
Of Chocolate Marmosets (2018.01.27)
Of Befriending a Comedian (2018.01.19)
Thirty-Eight Minutes (2018.01.14)
Twenty-Seventh Kiss Is the Charm (2018.01.10)
Three Interesting Topics (2018.01.08)
The Disappearing Act (2018.01.06)
A Cup o’ Kindness Yet (2018.01.01)
I try not to absorb vicarious trauma.
I might be middle-aged? Does that sound right to you?
Me either.
Just because I know about the Roswell crash, it doesn't mean I am that strange, particularly when there was a whole network program about it.
Joseph Fink of Welcome to Night Vale fame pretends not to know me, just because he doesn't and has no reason to. Cunning ruse.
I choose to be kind to the world so I can believe it is a place I want to be.
Pico dies.
I watch propaganda with Amber, Chris, and Sarah T.
Daniel visits, older.
Amber and I go to the Bronx Zoo, in the rain, with her job.
Returning to work brings tumult and frustration.
We need to stop teaching our children by our words and actions that victims will never be believed and victimizers will rarely suffer consequences.
Kristina turns thirty with water and fire.
Our kitten is diagnosed with feline leukemia.
Amber, Kristina, Veronica, and I hang out at the Dutchess County Fair. Ken and Holly are engaged, possibly?
I interrogate Ken and harass him with arcane knowledge.
We return to Lake George, where I try to be my own part of a whole.
Maybe one doesn't have to rush into relationships, but just enjoy the party.
I find a frame to free myself while wandering nearby.
Amber turns 30, Holly finds a lover, I find momentary contentment.
The universe will die. You might as well be happy.
Maybe my mental issues were not of my own devising...
Daniel and Kest visit, but tell no one who doesn't give them delicious food.
The only time I feel the gods around is when I create them in a small notebook.
I am getting a new car, so obviously I am anxious.
Does speaking like my students change my brain?
A grade schooler saw a concrete UFO no one else did. Should you believe him?
First, I judged you for sleeping around too much, now too little.
My juvenile delinquents need a story in which they survive.
Amber is now a college graduate, for the second time. First associate degree, though.
I am not suicidal, but it has followed me at a distance.
I decline an interview because Amber is graduating. Then a disaster changes that.
One more of my former charges kills, leading me to discover a gruesome double murder in the past.
Don't insist strangers immediately meet you. It is a creeper move that scares kitties away.
Amber is interviewed for a job she basically already has, but it has been a long time since a job understood her worth.
You are not the smartest person in the room. There is no smartest person in the room. Don't be a jerk because you have a thesaurus.
Bragging about sex is crass. Talking about sex one did not have is amusing.
I worry my anxiety will put a wedge between my friends and me, even though they do not notice it.
Something needs to be done about mass shootings, but "something" doesn't mean "nothing, but we give the image we care."
Mental illness is not a superpower.
If you want there to be more of an art or artist, let them know. Sometimes with your money.
Melissa has been dead one year.
A pleasant day of hot chocolate, chilly animals, and kung fu with Chris and Sarah T.
Good comedy is an art. Bad comedy is a hate crime.
The world doesn't end for Hawaiians, but it is best to put a few things together in case it does.
The portion of kisses I've liked to those I didn't is not kind, but I can't change them now.
There is a faint possibility that I have something to say after I've covered if Indred Cold would pull the level that would sacrifice one Sexy Sarah to save five Frigid Farrahs.
How I disappear, wish to, and why you may.
Moose is obnoxious. Don't be like Moose this year. Be like Susan and David.