Yule Be Fine (2014.12.27)
Candy Cane Shrapnel (2014.12.25)
Wake to Answers (2014.11.29)
Cosmic (2014.10.15)
Holly Warming (2014.08.16)
Honeymoon: No More Eureka! (2014.08.03)
Honeymoon: More Eureka! (2014.08.02)
Honeymoon: Eureka! (2014.08.01)
Wedding Wrap-Up (2014.07.28)
Wedding! (2014.07.26)
Wedding: Day Two (2014.07.25)
Wedding: Day One (2014.07.24)
Bigfoot Picnic (2014.07.08)
Money Doesn't Buy Happiness (2014.07.07)
Biking to Enlightenment (2014.07.02)
High Strangeness about Bigfoot and UFOs (2014.06.24)
What Big Feet You Have (2014.06.18)
Left in the Garden (2014.05.11)
Inside the Dragon (2014.05.06)
Six Months for Two Seconds (2014.05.02)
Puzzle Pieces (2014.04.19)
Waking Life (2014.04.17)
Wedding Invitations (2014.04.10)
An Evening with Art Spiegelman and Neil Gaiman (2014.04.06)
Art Sausage (2014.03.10)
Goodbye to You (2014.03.08)
No Such Convention 2014 (2014.03.01)
Brigid's Cross (2014.02.01)
An Outdated New Year (2014.01.01)
Safe choices may not be right choices and Hannah was right to worry.
The niblings pick candy cane shards out of their faces.
Dezi's father and Jacki's mother die.
It's fun to pay to infiltrate Alex Grey's compound.
Dan cheat on Holly. She leaves him and takes the first steps toward a new life.
Amber and Xen leave Eureka, but not without wasting a lot of time looking for a dinky lighthouse because a map told them to.
Amber and Xen walk in circles, stare at a burl and listen to bicurious truckers, and gadabout a beach.
Amber and Xen go to northern California and drive far too much among giants, shoggoths, Bigfoots, and wraiths.
Final thoughts on the wedding.
Xen and Amber marry.
Xen and Amber prepare chicken.
Xen and Amber prepare to wed.
Believing in Bigfoot doesn't remove your humanity on a summer's night.
Please never tell someone that money doesn't buy happiness because the lack of it buys a lot of misery.
Given sleep and physical activity, Xen's brain reboots.
Xen tries to reconcile Bigfoots and UFOs.
Xen is asked to be a UFO expert for Bigfoot researchers.
Xen grows paranoid because Amber gardens in the dark.
Xen joins Daniel at a Beltane festival.
Xen works with incarcerated minors. It isn't the easiest thing, emotionally.
Xen meets a new person and begins to see an older person for the first time.
The second waking is the hardest.
If Xen doesn't want himself at his wedding, what are the chances he'll let you be snide there? (Spoilers: Slim to none.)
Xen listens to Art Spiegelman and Neil Gaiman talk comics.
Xen will praise your art, but don't make him say nice things about something he created.
Xen wishes he could formally break up with friends, but it's hard to say, "I think of you as a stranger."
Xen is a guest at No Such Convention. He brings the house down! Or shuts the lights off.
A man's heart ails him among witches, who call proper authorities before chanting.
Amber proposes to Xen with a pen, as she warned she might.